Plate compactors exert force on the ground using a large plate, usually made from steel, that vibrates rapidly. The force compacts the soil and the vibration encourages the grains to move closer together, eliminating air pockets and providing tighter compaction.The vibratory plate compactor is power-engines, walk-behind equipment that imparts powerful vibratory compaction effort to loose materials, by transmitting vibration through the vibrating plate which generates power from the single rotor in vibration case.
A plate compactor is available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and accessories, but the main features remain the same. The core of the machine is a heavy, flat plate that rests on the ground when it is not in use. A gasoline or diesel engine drives or vibrates the plate.
A plate compactor is a popular piece of construction equipment used to compress various materials to create a solid subsurface or foundation. Plate compactors feature a heavy, flat plate at the base, attached to a motor or engine, and guide handles.
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